My first offer to get published commercially

On February 11, 2015, I received the my first offer to get my PhD thesis published commercially.

The mail is a document worth to be preserved.

Dear Mr. Kolb Benedikt,

I am XXX from the editorial team of XXX Publishing. I’m getting in touch with you today concerning an interesting work from 2013 which I found at the European University Institute.

Is it correct that you authored the work entitled “Including financial frictions into a New Keynesian DSGE model, or test existing models in this area empirically”?

A short confirmation would be greatly appreciated. I believe this particular topic could be of interest to a wider audience and we would be glad to consider publishing it.

Should the commercialisation of your work as printed book meet your interest, kindly let me know. I will be glad to provide you with further details in an electronic brochure.

I am looking forward to hearing from you, Mr. Kolb Benedikt.

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,


Acquisition Editor

Well, at first I was not the least surprised - which publisher would not be proud to publish an opus entitled

"Including financial frictions into a New Keynesian DSGE model, or test existing models in this area empirically"?

(This is the title I gave to my research agenda when applying to EUI, and it made it to the homepage below my name.) Well, and maybe there is really someone out there in this world to consider this "an interesting work", as they put it.

Still, I got my suspicions at "I believe this particular topic could be of interest to a wider audience". And indeed, turns out the publishing house is publishes your books against a fee and at your own cost. Knowing this, the terms "commercialisation of your work" and "acquisition editor" get a whole new meaning...